I heart Alec Baldwin

I was very late jumping on the Alec Baldwin wagon. I’d heard his name, but never really paid attention to him until he did his guest appearance on Friends and on Will & Grace. And now I see what all the fuss is about. I watch 30 Rock loyally, for many reasons besides Alec. His character on there is great and now I’ve started following Alec’s articles on HuffPost. He had a nice one yesterday about Hillary as Obama’s Secretary of State:

Hoping Hillary Says Yes.
Sitting less than ten feet from Hillary Clinton at an RFK Memorial event in New York this week, I was overwhelmed by the presence and power the woman carries with her wherever she goes. Charming and poised as she was inundated by admirers, I could not help but think how hard it was, in some sense, to vote for Obama over Senator Clinton. I was momentarily overcome thinking how I wish both of them could have won.

I’ll leave with Alec Baldwin clips:

30 Rock

On meeting Sarah Palin:

See the rest of the article above.